Thursday 25 August 2016

Topshop New Season

I’ve been a bit out of touch with trends and seasons ever since starting university, but after looking for a dress to wear to my cousins wedding I saw that so many stores are launching their AW16 season. Autumn is my all-time favourite season, largely due to the amazing fashion that hits the stores.

After having a look through Topshop’s new season page, I’ve picked out my personal favourites – that grey woollen coat would be in my hands right this second if I had that money! I love the different trends that are present in their new season; I see that animal print is another key trend – seems that it won’t say goodbye any time soon, that dress is stunning!

Wrap dresses have seemed to be everywhere since the start of spring, and I love that they are being featured in the autumn/winter season. The use of floral is still spring themed but the dark blue colours brings it back down to the upcoming season and makes it a perfect addition to their collection. The reason I’ve picked out the denim jacket too is because I’d love to see it layered over the dress, I really like that it would contrast against the femininity.

There are so many great picks on Topshop right now, it'll be a good idea to have a little browse and see if any of it sparks your fancy. 

Monday 11 July 2016


Using Blogging To Find Inspiration

I've been on and off with blogging for two years now, and I find it difficult to find the inspiration and the motivation to continue with it. I’ve completely run out of ideas for posts and I wonder was this just a temporary hobby for me, whilst I figured out what direction to take with my life. When I first started blogging it was something that I’d wanted to do for months, but I was made to feel like my one and only interest, hobby and career choice would be acting, when it was something I was rapidly falling out of love with and for a while I was fighting it, desperately wanting something different in my life. The day I sat down and created my blog and wrote my very first post was the day after I quit college. I finally felt free to pursue anything I desired. I quickly took up as many things as I could, and very soon I began to fall back in love with acting. It was as if my interest in beauty and fashion and how much my life revolved around it had truly inspired me and encouraged me not to give up my passion.

I planned my posts out weeks in advance and I would take as many photos as I could and they would inspire me to write more. I had so much fun with researching new products to mention on my blog. Working in retail really threw me into a life with seasonal trends and an ever-changing personal style. I really enjoyed and revelled in the new person I was becoming, and I had an amazing drive I can only dream of now. That person is someone I miss, and I wish I could go back to that, but I’ve made a commitment to my education and in order to live my life as it is now, I have to work so much there doesn’t seem much time for anything else. But my passion is leaving me again, and I don’t care for drama or acting or anything to do with it. I feel like I’ve thrown myself back into a world full of marking criteria’s and only doing the work to get good grades. I don’t love this anymore, and I don’t want to do it. So I’m starting to think; blogging inspired my life before, so can it do it again?

I’m going to try my absolute hardest to post, and rather than keep myself on a strict schedule, I’ll just write when I’m inspired to and when I want to talk about something. Last Christmas I tried my hand at more lifestyle blogging, and it was something I really enjoyed, so that will probably be 80% of my posts from now on – even though I work two jobs, I don’t have enough money to be buying new anything, and most of what I own now is what I came to university with. I think the main objective with me blogging is to write my feelings and my thoughts on my life and my interests, and hopefully find the inspiration to reclaim my passion, and to be happy with the person I am becoming. 

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Films I Watched in the Christmas Break

I find it really hard to watch films if I'm being completely honest. I never have the urge to sit and watch something for that long, I normally get really bored. I have to either sit in the cinema and watch something or watch with a friend. Most of the time, I'm guilty of watching films I've seen again and again - just because I know I'll stick to it!

I've wanted to watch American Beauty for absolutely ages now - I think it's been years - but I didn't sit down to watch it until the Christmas break and I'm so mad at myself that I hadn't watched it sooner! I've realised that my favourite films are actually all made in the 90's, and this one didn't disappoint. 

I wholeheartedly 100% recommend this film, it focuses on so many themes there's not one moment of boredom. I feel like there were no scenes just added to connect key scenes, it felt like everything was important. I loved every character and every story they each had, I didn't want to it end! 

Now, Independence Day is one of those films that I have seen about 57 times...not an exaggeration. I think everyone has seen this film more than once because it's replayed on tv maybe like 5 times a year, but it's one of my all time favourite films. I love Roland Emmerich's films a little bit too much, and after screaming at the trailer for Independence Day: Resurgence I asked for the DVD of this one, just to get me that little bit more excited. If you have never watched this I seriously think you should give it a go. It's great if you love sci-fi or even just disaster films. 

I didn't watch many films over the break as I've said I find that I just don't have the attention span to sit and watch a whole film that often. I did watch Star Wars: The Force Awakes, which I already posted about, but I really wanted to talk to about these two films just because they are easily two of my favourites.